Technique Ribbon Neon Lines Tutorial

Today I will teach you about Photoshop Technique Ribbon Neon Lines Tutorial
  • First of all Open New Document of Custom size, Height & Width 600×600 pixels,Resolution 72 & Mode RGB Color 

  • Now select ‘Brush Tool’ & use the following settings

  • Now select ‘Pen Tool’ & then create the following shape

  • Now Open New Layer & then right click select “Stoke Path”.In ‘Stroke Path’ select Brush with “Simulate Pressure” Ok

  • Now your image should look like as shown below

  • Now to Window>Action & then create the NEW ACTION with the help of click on following which is indicating by Hand sign

  • Now give the ‘lining’ name & then ‘Record’

  • Now Begin the recording with the help of click on Red Button like as shown below

  • Now make the Duplicate Layer with the help of Ctrl+J & then little Rotate the shape with the help of Ctrl+T & then press
Enter & your image should look like as shown below

  • Now stop the Recording with the help of click on following Button which is indicating by Hand sign

  • Now click on the following Button which is indicating by Hand sign
Photoshop Technique-I have clicked 33 times & layer pallete should look like as shown below

  • Now your image should look like as shown below

  • Now your Layer Pallete should look like as shown below

  • Now Hide the Background layer & after that right click on any layer,select ‘Merge Visible’ & after that Unhide the
Background Layer & your Layer Pallete should look like as shown below

  • Now make the Duplicate layer with the help of Ctrl+J & then Press Ctrl+U, use the following settings
Photoshop Technique-I have used this settings of Hue/Saturation

  • Now your image should look like as shown below

  • Now Open New Layer [this Layer should below all layer] & then fill with any color & after that go to Blending Options
select Gradient Overlay & use the following settings
Photoshop Technqiue-How to use the Gradient Overlay features

  • Now your image should look like as shown below

  • Now once again make the Duplicate Layer2 with the help of Ctrl+J & then press Ctrl+U & use the following settings

  • Now Blending Mode of this Layer should ‘Pin Light’

  • Now your image should look like as shown below

  • Now again make the Duplicate layer3 & then go to Blending Options select Gradient Overlay & use the following settings

  • Now your image should look like as shown below

  • Now once again make the Duplicate Layer & then Blending Mode of this Layer should “Normal”

  • Now create the following Transformation with the help of Ctrl+T & then press ENTER

  • Now go to Blending Options,select Gradient Overlay & use the following settings
Photoshop Technqiue-How to use the Gradient Overlay features

  • Now create the Following Text with the help of Text Tool

  • Now select Text Layer & then go to Blending Options,select Gradient Overlay & use the following settings

  • Now make the Duplicate Text Layer,press Ctrl+T right click select ‘flip vertical’
Thanks for read this Photoshop Tutorial.I hope you have enjoyed & the final Output of this Tutorial is shown below

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1. New Document
Make a 400x400 document. Now press "D" on your keyboard to reset the foreground and background colors to black and white. Make sure your background is BLACK.

2. Clouds Effect
Now apply Filter>Render>Clouds then Filter>Render>Difference Clouds on the background layer.

3. Plastic Wrap
Now Filter>Artistic>Plastic Wrap and use these settings:

Now apply Filter>Stylize>Glowing Edges and use these settings as well:

4. Duplicate layer
Duplicate the layer and set the new duplicated blending mode to Color Burn:

5. Lens flare
Apply a Filter>Render>Lens flare right in the middle of the bottom layer. Use these settings or modify them to your liking:

6. Set Color
With the bottom layer still selected press CNTRL+U and use these color settings:

Your done, heres my fire ball:

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Manusia diciptain sama Tuhan nggak buat hidup sendiri. Manusia udah dikodratin jadi makhluk sosial yang mau nggak mau harus hidup saling berdampingan satu sama lain, bersosialisasi, tolong menolong, gotong royong, dan lain sebagainya.

Nah, kita sebagai bloger yang -mungkin- tiap harinya menghabiskan waktu buat berlama-lama di dalam kamar atau di bilik warnet yang sesempit itu, kita masih harus tetep bersosialisasi. Tujuannya adalah agar blog kita naik trafficnya eh.. punya banyak teman walopun cuma di dunia maya :) Kalo kita udah punya banyak teman, tau sendiri dong efeknya. Banyak yang kasih senyuman/senggolan/ciuman di PPC kita, barang dagangan kita laris, traffic naek, page rank naek, trus banyak deh yang ngincer blog kita buat masang iklan. Trus akhirnya apa? Ya ujung-ujungnya duit ngalir ke kantong kita. hehehe… (kapan ya aku bisa gitu?)

Lanjut lagi…
Di dunia maya, khususnya buat bloger, banyak cara untuk bersosialisasi diantaranya:

Setiap kita berkunjung ke blog teman, sebisa mungkin kita kasih komen di postingannya. Karna bagaimanapun temen kita akan lebih seneng kalo postingannya dibaca dan dapet respon dari temennya. Apalagi kalo kita ketemu sama blog yang udah DO FOLLOW, kita musti sering-sering tuh kasih komen. Kita kan bisa dapet bonus back link dari blog tersebut. Bagi blog yang masih NO FOLLOW ya sebisa mungkin diubah lah jadi DO FOLLOW.

Sapa temen kita lewat Chat Widgetnya. Sekedar say hello, ngucapin met malem, ato ngasih kabar kalo udah nyenggol/kasih senyuman/nggiring kebo/cium (istilah para bloger yang udah klik PPC di blog tersebut). Selaen itu, di situ kita kan juga bisa sekalian promisiin blog kita ato ngajak kenalan sama temen-temen bloger laennya yang belom pernah ketemu.

Biar lebih cepet tau update-an posting blog temen kita. Kita follow aja blog temen kita. Nanti saat kita masuk ke draft blog kita, kita akan tau postingan-postingan terbaru temen kita dan bias cepet kasih komen. Di sini temen kita juga seneng kalo blognya ternyata banyak followernya.

Biar kita lebih enak ngunjungi temen-temen kita, kita ajak mereka tukeran link. Dengan tuker link kita jadi nggak repot ngapalin alamat-alamat blog temen kita. Mau blogwalking? Tinggal klik link temen kita.

Ingat! Ketenaran blog kita (ciee.. kaya artis aja) nggak lepas dari peran temen-temen kita. Mereka yang udah bikin blog kita naek trafficnya, naek page ranknya, menggunung pundi-pundi tabungan kita dari blog. Jadi kalo ada waktu luang bikin award/kue/hadiah buat temen-temen kita sebagai ucapan rasa terima kasih. Tapi jangan lupa kasih link temen kita di postingan blog kita. Trus yang dikasih ya diharpkan kesadarannya buat nge-posting dan kasih link balik di postingan tersebut. Biar lebih akrab. haha..

Biar lebih akrab lagi, sekali-kali waktu kita kunjungan ke blog temen kita ya bawa oleh-oleh. Karna bagaimanapun mereka pasti punya harapan PPC yang mereka pasang di blognya ada yang nyium ato nyenggol (bagi yang pasang PPC) nggak cuma sekedar pajangan. Ya sebisa mungkin (mengharap kesadarannya) yang udah disenggol ya gantian nyenggol :)

Nah, itulah -sementera- cara kita bersosialisasi di dunia maya. Khususnya buat para bloger. Karna aku masih baru di dunia bloger dan masih dalam tahap belajar, jadi ya masih sangat amat banyak sekali banget kekurangannya Sebelumnya aku juga minta maaf kalo cara-cara di atas ada yang salah ato bahkan salah semua.hahahaha….

Kalo temen-temen semua punya cara laen untuk bersosialisasi di dunia maya tolong tulis caranya di bagian komen. Nanti di postingan BLOGER JUGA MANUSIA (BAGIAN 2) akan aku muat, langsung CoPas dari komen. Dan yang pasti sama alamat link/blog temen-temen. Okey sob? Aku tunggu ya. makasih.........
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How to create a retro-style text effect in Cinema 4D and Photoshop

Step 1
Open a new document in Photoshop. The size I chose is 1500×1000 pixels. Paste in the Pyramid image. Scale and rotate it (Press Ctrl+T to activate the transform tool).

Step 2
Now we have to create a strong contrast. So duplicate the image and set the duplicated to overlay. Duplicate again but this time set the duplicated image to multiply.

Step 3
Press Shift+alt+ctrl+E to merge all the visible layers into a new layer. Apply to this layer a curve adjustment (ctrl+M) and a saturation adjustment (ctrl+U)

Step 4
Lets create the text. Open illustrator and write something using the edistys font. Now go to object>Expand. Save the AI file and make sure to save as an Illustrator 3 file (3 is the software version) so that it’s compatible with Cinema 4D.

Step 5
In Cinema 4D go to File>Merge and open the Illustrator file.

Step 6
In the object window you can observe that there are 5 paths (one for each letter). Select all the paths (hold shift to select more than one path) and right click>Connect. Notice that we have created a new path. We will work with this, so eliminate all the other layers.

Step 7
We have to give depth to the text. So select the Extrude Nurbs object. Then in the object window drag the path inside the Nurb.

Step 8
Select the Nurbs object in the object window. Modify the caps options from “cap” to “fillet cap”.

Step 9
In the materials window add a nukei material. Then apply the material by dragging it on the text.

Step 10
Double click on the material icon to open its options window and switch the reflection intensity to 60%

Step 11
Add one or more light objects (Object>Scene>Light)

Step 12
Create a new material and in the colors menu upload the pyramids image.

Step 13
Create a sky object (Object>Scene>Sky) and apply to it the last material created. You should see something similar to this:

Step 14
It’s time for rendering. For the render settings follow the screenshot below. Note that we checked “Alpha channel” and “Separate Alpha” so that in Photoshop we could easily extract the text using alpha channels. After have updated render settings go to Render>Render to Picture Viewer and save as a Photoshop file.

Step 15
Open the just created PS file. We have to extract the text: go to the channels’ window. At the bottom there’s the separate Alpha. Ctrl+click on this channel to select its pixels. Now switch to the layer window, go to select>Inverse and press delete. The text is now isolated.

Step 16
Copy and paste the text in our main Photoshop canvas. Right click on the text layer and select Blending Modes. Add satin with the default options.

Step 17
At this point I really hate the color. The best way to change it is to apply a gradient map. So go to Image>Adjustments>Gradient Map…and choose a gradient going from red to blue to yellow.

Step 18
Now we have to increase the contrast, so apply also a levels adjustments:

Step 19
Create a new layer and switch its layer blending mode to overlay. With a soft white brush (hardness 0%) start painting over the text to enhance some parts of it. To make the effect stronger, duplicate one/two times the layer.

Step 20
Repeat the step 20 but this time set a nice pink as foreground color

Step 21
Paste in the folded stained paper texture. Press shift+ctrl+U to desaturate it and ctrl+i to inverse the colors. Set the layer blend mode to screen. Increase the contrast with the curves (ctrl+M and create a “S” like in step 3). We are going to achieve a nice result!

Step 22
Paste in the old paper texture. Set the layer to overlay and reduce the opacity to around 70%.

Step 23
Create a new curves adjustments layer (Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Curves)

Step 24
Press shift+ctrl+alt+E to merge all the visible layers into a new layer. Sharpen this layer (Filter>Sharpen>Sharpen). Yes, we’ve finished!
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